

We offer comprehensive custom planning to bring mind-body-spirit experiences and healing into the workplace. This helps alleviate anxiety, improve communication, manage emotions, enhance work efficiency, and strengthen interpersonal relationships. While boosting team synergy. It also facilitates the release of physical and mental fatigue and stress from daily life.


Workplace Wellness

Arrange diverse mind-body-spirit healing experiences, self-improvement seminars, yoga and stretching classes, team-building activities, and more to promote work-life harmony.


Custom Private Retreats

Starting from the concept of mind-body-spirit wellness, we plan corporate events and travel experiences that allow employees to release stress and unlock their potential in natural environments.


Employee Benefits Programs

Provide mindful journey packages and discounted merchandise, collaborating with companies to create healthy and happy workplaces.


Brand Collaboration Events

Incorporate mind-body-spirit elements into brand events, providing comprehensive event planning, execution, and integration services.


If you are interested, please message our official Line Account @soulbarn or contact us via phone at 02-8952-9951.